
Intro & I

A current student at Emily Carr University of Art + Design, Mary Hechanova is a studying artist currently working in the fields of painting, sculpture, installation art, and film + video.

She is ready to birth this baby:

Her interest lies with the 'Truth'. A multitude of people are hungry for the truth, want to see the truth manifest itself tangibly, have seen the truth, and want to share the truth. But what is truth?

This project, im.perceptible, investigates ideas, culture, people and community in the context/theme of Truth. This project is an exploration of the diversity of peoples' stories.
Through Mary's multimedia art practice and documentary work style, she wants to be able to gift the world with a story of life, of people, of community.
As an artist, she is hungry to see the light and gold in people and in turn shine it onto others  and show it to the world.

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