
a BOOK. for you, for me, for us.

If you'd honestly ask me if I like blogging, the internet, or anything digital, I'd gear more towards a 'no'. There's just something about things digital that make me somehow believe that if all electrical power and energy were to die out, these things would terribly cease to exist and function. Also, things digital don't do well in the environmentally-friendly category (mmhmm, I'm a bit of a closeted Greenpeace lover & supporter, in the mental sense).

The very thought of blogging really gives me the shivers... not exactly in a bad way. I'm just not used to it, nor am I used to journal writing. I was just told it wasn't good habit to write to yourself/a book.
And so... I have devised a plan to feed that hand-made, natural, analogue lover in me.

I am going to publish a book.
I'm that ambitious.

alright, why.

To start things off, I believe the internet world is such a distraction to a lot of things in the real world. It is helpful at times, but when something like homework, research and things-to-do-on-the-computer happen, it's proven not very helpful at all. Especially to students.

I believe that the internet has made us loose our focus on a lot of things because of its variety of information sourcing from different areas. It's not to say that that is a bad thing, but when you're on the net and want to search for a specific thing (say for example a pecan pie recipe), you end up with a heap load of info, consisting mostly of that which you don't need.
Within the internet arise the unwanted babies of the digital realm - advertisements everywhere, sound (sometimes), viruses lurking around, hackers of personal info, etc.
There are a lot of unnecessary things that dwell within the internet which I don't agree with.
Thus I have come up with the dream of having a book as part of this investigative project of im.perceptible.

The book lover in me has sparked back up. This book is going to be published in 2 weeks.
Because this im.perceptible project is about engaging people with myself and one another, I've decided that the digital outlet would be this blog and the analogue would be a hand-held item, something that is portable yet of a precious nature and value : a book.
To me, books are precious. They embody time and space in a way that a digital form wouldn't.
The very act of manually turning pages and feeling the texture of the book already brings memories, hopes, emotions and a hint of joy to a viewer. Because a book is so enclosed in itself, I believe that it focuses the viewer's attention even more intensely, engaging the viewer in a very personal way, in their space & time, mentally & physically. A book is greatly free from distractions within it, and hey it lets your eyes rest more from that glowing computer screen you've been working away on all week long.
Nowadays, I'd consider a book as a vacation. It's like a little get-away into the author's world, into a world fictional or not, but becomes the reality when one reads into it.

I am pretty stoked for this book. Lets just say it's going to have probably around 30 pages, and with lots of everything engaging.

WATCH OUT for it! soon.


Shoe Snip

Where have your shoes gone today?

Draw a simple line picture.

Post as your Facebook profile picture.

Write a caption for it
(Did they feel as comfortable as you did? What are their names?).

Take a screenshot.

Send to im.perceptible.ms@gmail.com

- Entry One -

Jennifer Chong's Blundstones #500.
These shoes were made to be worn and to be comfortable while wearing them. Today I had them on for over 12 hours. Another great feature is that the keep my feet dry when its raining.

- Entry Two -

Lily Orcsik's Moccasins

Snip to create Happiness

Close your eyes.

Choose a number from 1 to 10.

Take a PHOTO of this step in the recipe for happiness.
Publish it as a reply to this post.
send to this email address: im.perceptible.ms@gmail.com

Recipe for Happiness: (Inspired by)

1. Take the 12 months of a year.

2. Clean them thoroughly of all bitterness, hate, and jealousy.

3. Make them fresh & clean as you possibly can.

4. Now cut each month into 28, 30 or 31 different parts.

5. Prepare it one day at a time out of these ingredients.

6. Mix well into each day one part of faith, one part of patience, one part of courage, and one part of work.

7. Add to each day one part of hope, faithfulness, generosity, and meditation, and one good deed.

8. Season the whole with a dash of good spirits, a sprinkle of fun, a pinch of play, and a cupful of good humor.

9. Pour all of this into a vessel of love.

10. Cook thoroughly over radiant joy, garnish with a smile, and serve with quietness, unselfishness, and cheerfulness.


1st Snip.pet

Piece no. One | a SNIPPET from Im.perceptible on Vimeo.

Journal 2. Piece number One

Take 2 | Piece no. One | 24th of October

Sandy Chang joined forces with me!

It was yet another extremely sunny day of the fall in Vancouver and my awesome amigo Sandy Chang joined me in the trek around the streets of Vancouver this day.

Our location : Cambie & Broadway St., right opposite the Starbucks next to the Canada Line stn.
The set-up : One person holding the camera, another holding up a sign, and both interview people.
I must say again, I really enjoy working in teams.
The response from people this day was amazing. 10 people interviewed in 2 hours was worth a shot.
The best part : we just had to stand in a spot and be ourselves, holding a tiny sign in hand that explained who we are and what we do in a couple words, and watched as people geared towards us. It was really exhilarating watching people get excited too about this project.

One thing I learned was that getting people engaged didn't have to be so planned out and hard to do. I find that people engage the most with my performances, art, and myself in general when I allow them to see the passion I have in what I do, which shows me in a bit of a vulnerable and approachable state. No, it's not really about being nice and all charming like that girl next door (hah)... it's more about the passion and truth behind what one does.

Journal 1. Piece number One.

Take 1 | Piece no. One | 19th of October.

I used to be a painting major way back in 2nd year. Changed to an installation art/sculptural/new media practice because... I can't help but collaborate with people. I really enjoy working alongside people.

A sunny Wednesday led me out venturing around Vancouver by Granville & Broadway St. with a small camera (more like camcorder). When you look like a desperada with a camera in hand & ask people to be a part of your so-called project, would it seem a bit of an annoyance to people hurrying down the street who are trying to get to point B? Would people go out of their way to speak out an opinion on their views about a personal topic? What has society created in terms of a more relaxed life & a life of stress & haste? Can balance truly be achieved? People sometimes need to stop a minute, think, & most of all - B R E A T H E .
The responses I received the most were people plugged into their music devices (aka mp3 players/iPods) & a couple "sorry hun, I don't have time"s at the sight of a little camera in my hand. Those that stopped, though, to give a minute or two of their time were genuine & firm with their beliefs.
A question brought to mind is the notion of the private & public people engage & interact with. A private & public emotional & physical space.

5 weeks in a less populated area in China this summer made me realize a difference in what people perceived as private spaces. The Chinese considered their emotions, past experiences & opinions to be private & were totally comfortable with being in a packed crowd (they had no personal space/bubble to burst!). Canadians on the other hand are very particular about their personal space & are totally comfortable expressing their emotions freely and speaking out their opinions on just about anything, if given the time and chance to.

Take 1, Piece no. One went pretty well despite the 90% response of no's. I think it's pretty much a gift when at least one in a crowd of a million would support you in some sort of way.
I'd like to say a big thank you to those who stopped when I flew you off your trajectory to somewhere and took the time to inspire this project. You all are what make this project happen. I just feel really thankful for that.
I learned too to figure out a way how to engage people in a multitude of ways, all doing it alone. What an exciting experiment and adventure! There's so much more to discover...